Tom likes to write, read, watch, listen, and all that jazz. he's pretty boring.

How's That Day? Episode 01 -- 2017 Movie Year In Review

Tom & Phil kick off the podcast by discussing the cinematic year that was. They break down the 90th Academy Awards, the probable legacy of The Shape of Water (and the benefit of Oscar favorites losing the Best Picture award), the lasting impact of Get Out, and some favorite and least favorite Oscar wins.
Then, they each discuss their Top 20 of 2017. Spoiler alert -- they share a top two, but WHAT'S THIS? In reverse order?!? What are the movies (Get Out is one, obviously)?? You gotta listen for the other one, you greedy little devil!
Finally, Phil introduces a "venting corner" segment, and Tom takes it a bit too seriously.

How's That Day: Episode 02 -- Unsane / 2018 Movie Year in Review (So Far)